Thursday, October 27, 2011

Klobuchar, Protect the Clean Air Act!

Klobuchar, Protect the Clean Air Act!
When: Wednesday, November 9 · 5:00pm - 6:00pm

Last week, EcoWatch and leaders from other organizations met with Klobuchar's staff to ask how she will vote on a piece of legislation that would lead to as many as 34,000 premature deaths, 15,000 heart attacks, and 400,000 asthma attacks annually.

She has not yet decided.

Join us on Wednesday, November 9th @ 5pm to write letters to Senator Klobuchar and urge her to vote against the Congressional Review to the Cross State Air Pollution Rule!

We want to see progress in improving air quality, not attacks to the Clean Air Act and the EPA's ability to regulate dangerous air pollutants.

Cookies and coffee will be provided!

For more information on the lobby meeting, read our blog: Youth Leaders from the Across Minnesota Meet with U.S. Senators

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Youth Leaders from the Across Minnesota Meet with U.S. Senators

Youth leaders in Minnesota have been active to ensure Minnesota’s U.S. Senators protect the Clean Air Act. From Collegeville to Crookston, we came to the Twin Cities to meet with our Senators’ staff and share why defending the Clean Air Act is so important to us, our generation, and the state of Minnesota.

The Clean Air Act has been vital in protecting the nation’s health, and attacks on the clean air standards would weaken regulations on harmful pollutants such as mercury, ozone, and greenhouse gases. These attacks are part of an alarming trend of anti-EPA legislation. This is of special concern to us, young adults, because the energy and environmental policy decisions of today will affect us for decades to come. The problems caused by pollution, climate change, and diminishing natural resources will be our generation’s burden to bear.

The latest salvo against clean air comes from Senator Rand Paul, who wants to block an air pollution standard that cuts down on the amount of dangerous air pollution that is carried over state lines – essentially delivering pollutants that create soot, smog, and acid rain to all Americans. Senator Paul’s Cross State Air Pollution Standard would roll back public health protections and let polluters continue to dump their toxic pollution into our air, leading to as many as 34,000 premature deaths, 15,000 heart attacks, and 400,000 asthma attacks annually. This resolution would be a huge step back at a time when we need to see progress in improving our air quality. .

We brought this message to our Senators, sharing that Minnesotans want clean air and water and we want the EPA to enforce standards that will lower air pollution and its deadly public health impacts. In both meetings we were welcomed in sharing our concerns and told they would be passed along to the Senators.

In Senator Al Franken’s office, youth met with Alana Petersen, State Director for Senator Franken, and Al Juhnke, the Senators Agriculture and Energy Field Representative. Youth explained how regulation creates the opportunity for innovation and for growth in the green economy. We want to see investments in renewable energy, not oil and coal companies. Attacks on the EPA and environmental regulations eliminate job growth opportunities for young people who seek careers in this important field.

Senator Franken had not yet heard about the Congressional Review of the Cross State Air Pollution Rule that had been proposed only days beforehand. Petersen and Juhnke spoke about the Senator’s commitment to making educated decisions on these matters and shared the Senator’s strong voting record to protect clean air. We hope to see that record continue when Senator Franken votes on this resolution.

In Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office, we met with Greg Bohrer, Senator Klobuchar’s energy and environmental legislative correspondent. During the meeting, Klobuchar’s past environmental voting record was discussed. For most of her term Senator Klobuchar has been supportive of public health and environmental protection legislation, but her stance has softened considerably in the past year. In April 2011, she voted in favor of two separate attempts to weaken the Clean Air Act, the Baucus Amendment and the Stabenow Amendment. We expressed our concern and disappointment over these votes.

We shared how protecting the Clean Air Act will protect our futures. At a time when far too often industry profits are valued over scientific evidence and the health of Americans, we need Senator Klobuchar to vote to protect our health, to help mitigate the impacts of climate change, and to build the green economy in which we hope to work.

When asked how Senator Klobuchar plans to vote on the Congressional Review of the Cross State Air Pollution Rule, Greg responded that the Senator has not yet decided. He stressed that she is committed to making informed decisions and is looking into the long-term impacts of the resolution.

The impacts of a repeal to the Cross State Air Pollution Rule are clear. It would block Minnesota from receiving between $650 million and $1.6 billion each year in health benefits and put thousands of Americans at risk of life-threatening illnesses.

The meetings with our Senators’ staff were overall productive and hopeful. Both Senators value the opinions of their constituents and the delegation of youth leaders communicated how Minnesotans want them to act--we need Senator Klobuchar and Senator Franken to take a stand for protecting clean air and vote against the Congressional Review of the Cross State Air Pollution Rule and other attempts to weaken the Clean Air Act.

Youth Leaders Present at Lobby Meetings:
Lauren Snively from UMN Crookston and student representative to the UMN System-wide Sustainability Committee, Nick Moe from St. John’s University in Collegeville, Mike Wardwell from University St. Thomas Environmental Law Society, Natalie Tungsvik - MPIRG Student Board of Directors Chair from Hamline University, Cora Ellenson-Myers and Logan Bailey from the UMN MPIRG chapter, Tim Sheehan and Cole Norgaarden - Co-Chairs of Yea!MN, Leah Norman from Yea! MN, Alyssa Tucker from the MN Youth Environmental Network, Gretel Lee and Jason Bender from UMN Campus Beyond Coal, Timothy Den-Herder Thomas - Co-foudner of Grand Aspirations, Joe Kruse - Yea!MN Coordinator, and Christy Newell - Will Steger Foundation Intern and from UMTC EcoWatch.

Take Action!

Our Senators need to hear from you!
Join us for a letter writing event on November 9th @ 5pm in Folwell Hall, Room 3 to tell Klobuchar Protect the Clean Air Act! or contact Christy Newell at for other opportunities to get involved.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


The proposed Keystone XL pipeline has become the most important environmental decision facing President Obama before the 2012 election.

NASA scientist, James Hanson called the Keystone XL Pipeline "game over for the planet." The unique opportunity we have with this battle is that since the proposed pipeline crosses an international boarder, President Obama has the final say.

In 2008, young people rallied behind Obama. Now, we look to him to fulfill the promises he made.

Join us in visiting his St. Paul Organizing for America office tomorrow to tell Obama "YES YOU CAN STOP THE KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE!"

Details & Directions

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Facebook Action Day!

@Amy Klobuchar, We <3 Clean Air!

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011 (today!) is our Facebook Action Day! We have a goal of tagging Senator Amy Klobuchar 50 times (50 people) in posts related to defending the Clean Air Act. Read on to find out how you can participate!

  1. “Like” Amy Klobuchar’s facebook page
  2. Create a post on your own wall
    1. Tag the Senator in your post by typing @Amy Klobuchar
    2. Include content about clean air. There are some ideas below.
  3. Encourage your friends to create a post! Share it with your organization!

Messaging Ideas
  • Tell the Senator why you <3 clean air/the Clean Air Act
    • Do you rely on clean air to avoid asthma attacks?
    • Do you have a connection with a front line impacted community?
    • Do you want the EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions protected? Why?
    • Do you want a green job?
  • Urge Senator Klobuchar to stand with Minnesotans/youth/her constituents and to stop any bills or amendments that would weaken the Clean Air Act.
  • Urge Senator Klobuchar to vote against the Rand Congress Review resolution, that would take away the EPA’s authority to enact new safeguards against dangerous pollutants.